International Network of STEM for the Blind and Low-Vision

Welcome to the first and only nonprofit organization in the United States whose work focuses on STEM education and careers for the blind and low-vision population!

On the left is our logo: Four pieces of puzzles in the colors of white, red, yellow, or blue connect to one another and form a round shape.) On the right is Intl STEM BLV in English on the top and in braille below it. On the bottom is International Network of STEM for the Blind and Low-Vision, Inc.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to connect people worldwide who are interested or specialized in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) for those who are blind or have low vision (BLV) to facilitate the growth of the field of STEM for BLV as a united global community.

Logo of Independence Science
Alt Text: The IDEA-STEM logo includes the text IDEA-STEM in bold, capital letters.  To the right of the text, three hexagons are aligned in a circle. Image Description:  The IDEA-STEM logo includes the text IDEA-STEM in bold, capital letters.  To the right of the text, three hexagons are aligned in a circle. The hexagons are the same color as the text.  The background is white, and the text is black.
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